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A colorful display celebrating Black History Month
A teacher on the stage dressed as a king with students around him dressed as kings and queens.
Students dressed as senior citizens for the 100th day of school.
A student and teacher smiling holding certificates presented to them by Veterans.
Photos of District Spelling Bee winners & finalists.
The backs of children sitting on the floor all wearing the same shirt.
Girls standing together on an athletic field.
Two students sitting at desks smiling at each other.
Phone and email icons
Drawing of person reading.
Drawing of two people talking at a table.


Image of people providing feedback.
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Elementary Schools (PreK - Grade 5)

Secondary School (Grades 6-12)

Strategic Plan

Community School Partnerships

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What's Happening

By the Numbers


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6-Elementary schools
2-Middle schools
1-High school
We also offer PreSchool Programs at select schools across the division.


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