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Digital Resources

A drawing of students studying and sitting on a gigantic laptop.

Orange County Public Schools utilizes online resources as a supplement to classroom instruction.  These resources are carefully selected and provide our students with enhanced learning experiences, personalized instruction, digital skill development, remote learning capabilities, and data-driven insights. These tools create dynamic, inclusive, and effective learning environments.



Student Privacy and Digital Resources

At Orange County Public Schools, we place a high priority on securing student and staff information. Our Instruction and Technology departments, as well as our Testing Technology Resource Teachers (TTRT), who provide crucial instruction on digital citizenship, internet safety, cyberbullying prevention, and personal privacy skills, are committed to ensuring the safety and security of students online. 
We provide our teachers with as much flexibility as possible regarding online educational services; however, we must verify adherence to COPPA and FERPA guidelines with all digital resources.  As a result, teachers who discover an educational resource they would like to use with their students will need to validate the following items:
  1. Is there an educational benefit for all students?
  2. Does the educational program align with the Standards of Learning?
  3. Does the online educational software require plug-ins or an install?
  4. Have you reviewed the privacy policy to ensure the identification of third-party vendors (providers) and how or if student data is shared/used?
Once this information is validated, teachers can submit their request to the building-level TTRT for presentation to the division review committee for consideration. If approved, the committee will add the resource to the division’s approved list of online educational resources. Division staff will also obtain a copy of the Virginia State Data Privacy agreement from the vendor or existing state-approved agreements on the Virginia Student Data Privacy Alliance.

Digital Resources

Below is a list of the digital resources used in our schools.  Included for each is the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy information.