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Out-of-County Student Application


A student who is not a bona fide resident of Orange County shall not be permitted to enroll in OCPS. However, at the school board’s sole discretion, a nonresident student may be admitted to OCPS on a tuition-paying basis in accordance with Va. Code § 22.1-5 and pursuant to Orange County School Board Regulation JEC-R School Admission. In order to be admitted into OCPS, the nonresident student must be:

  • assigned to OCPS by a Virginia state agency or placed within Orange County by a “sending agency” pursuant to the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, Va. Code § 63.2-1000; or
  • a foreign exchange student from an approved foreign exchange agency/program (The division is not certified by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) and does not accept students who are in the U.S. in F-1 or M-1 status and require a Form I-20) or;
  • approved by the superintendent/designee as a child of a full-time, nonresident employee; or
  • approved by the School Board and granted admission to OCPS on a tuition-paying basis.

Admission Criteria and Termination of Enrollment

When considering a nonresident student for enrollment, the school division may take into consideration the following non-exhaustive factors:

  • space and program availability;
  • whether the enrollment will result in additional costs to the school division or create any other significant disruption to school operations;
  • the need for hiring additional staff;
  • the disciplinary or behavioral record of the student;
  • any civil or criminal charges or convictions against the student;
  • the academic record of the student; and
  • whether the student requires educational services that can be provided by teachers and staff of Orange County Public Schools in its existing facilities and with existing programs and services.

The admission and enrollment of a student with disabilities under this policy does not create a legal obligation for the Orange County School Board to provide such student with a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”). The obligation to provide FAPE remains the obligation of the school division of the city or county in which the student is a legal resident. The parent or guardian of any nonresident student enrolled in the Orange County Public Schools pursuant to this policy shall be responsible for providing transportation for the student to and from school at the parents’ expense.

The student of a full-time, nonresident employee who is admitted under this program will be enrolled in the school where the parent is employed, the school nearest the employee’s work location, or at another school location consistent with Policy JCA Student Transfers. The school in which the student is enrolled pursuant to this paragraph shall be considered the base school for the transfer application process. In the event the parent/guardian is no longer an OCPS employee, the enrollment of the child may be terminated effective the date of separation of employment. The school board may, at its sole discretion, waive tuition for a child of a full-time, nonresident employee.

The enrollment of any nonresident student (regardless of grade, school assignment, or the time of school year) may be terminated upon graduation, expulsion, ineligibility to receive further services under IDEA, becoming emancipated, attaining the age of 20 years on or before August 1, or voluntarily or involuntarily withdrawing from or otherwise terminating enrollment for any cause. Additionally, the initial approval for admission of a nonresident, as well as the continued enrollment of a nonresident student, will be contingent upon attendance and behavior. Receiving a disciplinary referral or accumulating five unexcused absences or tardies within the school year may initiate a review and possible revocation of a nonresident student’s enrollment. Such terminations shall be without the possibility of readmission.


The 2023-24 tuition fee for nonresident students in OCPS is $4,875.