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Finance Department: Investing in Our Future


The OCPS Finance Department oversees the fiscal management of the division.  This oversight includes budgeting, enrollment projections, accounting, payroll, accounts payable and receivable, purchasing, inventory control and asset management.

The budgeting process for Orange County Public Schools is a critical component in ensuring every student receives a quality education. Through careful financial planning, we can provide the programs, staff, and resources necessary to meet the diverse needs of our students. This impacts everything from classroom supplies and technology to extracurricular activities and student support services.
We are committed to transparency and accountability as we engage our community around the 2025-26 school year budget. To that end, we encourage input and feedback from our families, staff, and community members.

 Department Contacts:

Lisa Frady-Lawhorn 
Chief Finance Officer
Extension 1515
Bobbie Bernard
Accounts Payable
Federal Accountant
Extension 1514
Jennifer Clatterbuck
Accounts Receivables
General Ledger Accountant
Extension 1512
Holly Koontz
Payroll Specialist
Extension 1533
Christopher Brown
Payroll Specialist
Extension 1507 

The Orange County Public Schools hosted a Superintendent’s Budget Roundtable event on Tuesday, October 22 at the Taylor Education Administration Complex. 

A number of community members joined division leaders and board members in discussing the budgeting process, the various challenges and opportunities facing OCPS, and next steps. Attendees also had a chance to provide feedback and ask questions. 

“We continue to engage our community around the budgeting process for the Orange County Public Schools, as it represents a critical component in ensuring every student receives a quality education,” said Superintendent Dr. Daniel P. Hornick. “Thank you to everyone who came out last week for what was an outstanding event. We had some great conversations and heard thoughtful questions and feedback on how we can ensure our students continue to receive an exceptional educational experience.”

A survey is now available to allow community members to provide more input and feedback regarding the budgeting process. This will help division leaders and board members prioritize funding and explore solutions for the financial sustainability of OCPS.  The survey can be accessed using the link below.


Budget Roundtable Presentation

Click the image below to view the presentation.

First page of the PDF file: OCPS_SlideDeck_SuperintendentsBudgetRoundtable


Image of people providing feedback.