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Special Education Page Banner
The office of Special Education is committed to fostering an active, dynamic and collaborative approach to engaging students and parents as equal partners with the common mission of empowering and educating ALL students. While focusing on strengths and the unique abilities of each individual, we strive to eliminate barriers and ensure equal access to high quality education and services. We work to develop student's academic abilities and self-determination skills to become independent.

Resources for Parents and Students


Staff Resources

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Handprints in a circle.
Special Education
Staff Resources 

Department Contacts:

Susan Aylor
Executive Director of
Special Education
& Student Services
(540)661-4550 x1543
Phyllis Long
Administrative Assistant
& Student Records
(540)661-4550 x1545
Lauren Rollins
Secretary, Medicaid Coordinator
& Bookkeeper
(540)661-4550 x1546
Nora Brooking
Coordinator of Special Education
& Student Services
(540)661-4550 x1544
Jessica Harris
School Psychologist 
(540)661-4550 x1559
Corie Preston
School Psychologist
(540)661-4550 x1561
Johanna Colson
Coordinator of Special Education
& Student Services
(540)661-4550 x1557
Laura Phares
Behavior Specialist
(540)661-4550 x1689


Brandi Waugh
Transition Specialist
SPED Parent/Family Liaison
Wendy Boone
Social Worker
(540)661-4550 x1565
Jennifer Craiger
Social Worker
(540)661-4550 x1674
Amy Reed
Social Worker
(540)661-4550 x1563