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Student Services

Students cheering on their teachers in staff volleyball game

The Department of Student Services is responsible for division-wide management of student welfare, including attendance and truancy enforcement, discipline appeals, school health services, school counseling services and matters associated with student safety. In addition, the Executive Director of Special Education and Student Services will serve as the school division’s primary liaison with community agencies that deal with the safety and welfare of children and youth.  In addition, the Executive Director serves as the McKinney Vento liaison for the school division for students experiencing homelessness.

Department Contacts

Susan Aylor
Executive Director of
Special Education
& Student Services
(540)661-4550 x1543
Nora Brooking
Coordinator of Special Education
& Student Services
(540)661-4550 x1544
Johanna Colson
Coordinator of Special Education
& Student Services
(540)661-4550 x1557
Kendra Crane
School Nurse Manager
(540)661-4300 x1118
Jessica Harris
School Psychologist 
(540)661-4550 x1559


Wendy Boone
Social Worker
(540)661-4550 x1565
Jennifer Craiger
Social Worker
(540)661-4550 x1674
Amy Reed
Social Worker
(540)661-4550 x1563
Amanda Mosser
Mental Health & Wellness
(540)661-4550 x1690
Corie Preston
School Psychologist
(540)661-4550 x1561




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