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Division Notifications

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Orange County Public Schools utilizes a mass communications platform called Messages XR which allows the division to send emails, texts, voice calls, and website alerts all from one platform.  By streamlining our communications process, we are able to communicate with families and staff more efficiently and effectively. 


Student contact information is uploaded to Messages XR daily from PowerSchool.   If you experience any issues receiving notifications, please contact your student's school to verify that your student's contact information is up-to-date.   

Notification Formats

Email Format

New email address for mass communications.

Email notifications come from:  

Please be sure to add this email address to your contacts to avoid important information going into your spam or junk folders.

Voice & Text Format

Image showing new SMS contact information for mass messaging platform.

Voice and SMS notifications come from:  1-844-922-2751

Please be sure to add this number to your contacts so that you do not miss an important call and/or text.


Also in the image to the left you will notice a link is included in the text.  Messages XR helps speed up the issuing of a message by allowing the sender to include a link in the text message that will open the full message (see below).  This eliminates the need to reduce longer notifications to just 160 characters.

Link in Text


The image to the left shows what is displayed on the recipient's phone when the link in the text message is clicked.